Friday, December 12, 2008

Elephant in our midst!

Yesterday we went to Nam Nao Nat'l Park. We decided to hike one of the trails outside of the visitor center-- apparently no one else has ever done this. What initially appeared to be a more-or-less well-marked trail system immediately revealed itself for what it really was-- unmaintained, unmarked trails that never lead you to the "Sunset Viewpoint" they advertise. Have no fear, you know we are nothing if not resourceful! We left pieces of paper (the completely useless "trail guide") in strategic locations in case we got confused on the way back-- very Hansel and Gretel, we know. Maybe it shouldn't have been so surprising when we heard the distinctive snorting of an elephant very nearby considering that for the previous 20 mins we were following a "trail" mainly made up of very, VERY large animal tracks... and every once in awhile were stepping over large piles of fresh elephant dung. We snuck a little farther down the trail just in time to see the rear end of a wild elephant decend down the hillside!

1 comment:

Clooks said...

Loving the blog girls, so much adventure, very descriptive, im with you the whole way, except i was following the foreshadowing and missed the dung hehe! Keep the adventures coming and be safe! Love you both :)