Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Day in Taipei!

With sweet bean soup dessert for lunch, an official Taiwanese stamp in our passports, and many hours to kill in the Taipei airport we're starting our trip off with a bang! The government of Taiwan treated us to a lovely 4 hour city tour. We went to a temple, where Jessy 'wowed' the school children with her firey red hair and our guide really, really tried to get us to buy some things. Oh, and how to keep the evil away...

So, just in time for the court to oust the PM of Thailand, we're happy to report that we're moving in that direction this evening. We'll be flying into Chiang Mai tonight around 1am. Stay tuned for more news from Thailand!


Alesha and Jessy

1 comment:

Clooks said...

Soo happy to know you both are alive and well! Tell the king i say Hi :)

Much love your way!!