Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Kao Yai National Park Lesson #1: the bed of a Thai pick up truck NEVER has too many people in it!

We were visiting Kao Yai N.P. a few days ago and quickly discovered that you really need a car in order to get around. As the video will show, you will see us on one of our many hitch hiking experiences-this one by far being the most fun. We've quickly learned while traveling in Thailand that when we mention that we are from the United States of America, people often shout enthusiastically, "Obama!"

We're currently in a small town called Railay, in the Krabi Province. Tomorrow we're off to go rock climbing and do some dangling over the emerald green Indian Ocean.

Talk to you later!

1 comment:

Roy Myers said...

I'm flying solo on this blog.Watched the video. Was that red under ware? By the by I did'nt see any pickup bed seat belts.